<%@ page import="javax.security.auth.Subject"%> <%@ page import="javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext"%> <%@ page import="java.util.*"%> <%@ page import="com.adeptia.indigo.TransactionExecutor"%>"%> //Pass process flow entity ID in the variable that needs to be executed. String processFlowTransID="192168001086131227005160900014"; //Create map that will set the value in context and can be fetched from context at process flow runtime HashMap contextMap = new HashMap(); LoginContext loginCcntext = (LoginContext) session.getAttribute("loginContext"); Subject subject = loginCcntext.getSubject(); //Pass the values that shall be available in Process Flow Context contextMap.put("UploadedFileName","TestFile.txt"); //Code to execute the Process Flow TransactionExecutor.executeTransactionWithTransID(contextMap, processFlowTransID, subject, false);