import java.util.*; import*; //stored procedure activity id specifying stored procedure name to be executed along with "in", "out" and "inout" parameter(s) String storedProcedureActivityId = "192168001008127425399059900013"; //database connection info activity id specifying the driver, url and user credentials information for the database in which stored procedure exist String dbInfoId = "192168001008127425392118600011"; //data structure to pass input parameter(s) information to stored procedure Map paramMap = new HashMap(); //setting input parameter "networkID" value to "AA0123". Use it multiple times to set multiple input parameters for stored procedure paramMap.put("networkID", "AA0123"); //getting the output stream object in which result set retrieved from stored procedure will be written in xml format //"GenerateStream" property for custom plugin shall be set to true and stream name generated from it shall be "xml". You can change the stream name to desired name OutputStream os = service.getOutputStream("xml"); //calling custom class ExecuteStoredProcedure esp = new ExecuteStoredProcedure(dbInfoId , storedProcedureActivityId, paramMap, context, os); esp.executeStoredProcedure();