Requirement:-To Set Adeptia as a Windows Service.
Solution:- Below are the steps to achieve this:-
• Copy the “jsl-Kernel.ini” and “jsl-Webrunner.ini” files to the “/ServerKernel” folder of Adeptia instance which is not installed as Window Service.
D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel
• Edit “jsl-Kernel.ini” file and update the Adeptia Server installation path wherever present.
• Edit “jsl-Webrunner.ini” file and update the Adeptia Server installation path wherever present.
• Go to “/jre/bin” folder present inside Adeptia Server installation path through command prompt.
• Execute jsl –install “/ServerKernel/jsl-Kernel.ini”. This will successfully install Adeptia Kernel as window service.
jsl.exe -install "D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\jsl-Kernel.ini"
• Execute jsl –install “/ServerKernel/jsl-Webrunner.ini”. This will successfully install Adeptia Webrunner as window service.
jsl.exe -install "D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\jsl-Webrunner.ini"
• Go to “Registry Editor” (by executing command “regedit” through Run) and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services.
Go to “Adeptia Server Kernel ” and edit the data value of “ImagePath” variable by including service invoker path and ini config file path under double quotes (“).
Here is the sample valid value: “D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer\ jre\bin\jsl.exe" -ini "D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\jsl-kernel.ini".
Similarly, go to “Adeptia Server WebRunner ” and edit the data value of “ImagePath” variable.
Here is the sample valid value: “D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer \jre\bin\jsl.exe" -ini "D:\Program Files\AdeptiaConnect\AdeptiaConnect-3.1\ConnectServer\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\jsl-Webrunner.ini".
• Start “Adeptia Server Kernel” and “Adeptia Server WebRunner” as window service.
After you have completed the above steps, your services may appear in the "Starting" state.
*Issue: *
I receive this error after running jsl –install
OpenSCManager failed - Access is denied. (0x5)
*Solution: *
1) Start Menu
2) All Programs > Accessories
3) Right click on Command Prompt
4) Select "Run as administrator"
*Issue: *
Now I get this error
CreateService failed - The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified. (0x421) _
_Account: .\svc_adeptia Password: !2aPassw0rdAAA
*Solution: *
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