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Setting Adeptia as Windows service



  • David Paras

    *Issue: *

    I receive this error after running jsl –install

    OpenSCManager failed - Access is denied. (0x5)


    *Solution: *

    1) Start Menu

    2) All Programs > Accessories

    3) Right click on Command Prompt

    4) Select "Run as administrator"

  • David Paras

    *Issue: *

    Now I get this error

    CreateService failed - The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified. (0x421) _

    _Account: .\svc_adeptia Password: !2aPassw0rdAAA

    *Solution: *

    • Edit the account and password fields from the jsl-Kernel.ini and jsl-WebRunner.ini files, removing the existing values and leaving the fields blank
    • Execute the installation of the services again.

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