Database triggers
Question 1: Issue with Database Schema(Single database schema)
I followed the example on the forum. I created the Create Db Event as mentioned in the example. I set the polling frequency to 30 seconds. I inserted a record in my table. Looked like in the dbeventtriggertable value was inserted. A file was created. But each 30 seconds when the poll happens a separate file got created. Looks like the record in the dbeventtriggertable never gets deleted. Do we have to manually delete the entry in the process flow? If so could you send us an example how to do that?
Question 2: In our use case we wanted adv. Data base schema to work. The problem I ran
into was that database trigger did not work with advance database. It threw
an error trying to read the record from the adv. Database schema. If I
manually run the associated process flow I was able to get the records from
Adv. Database Schema. Then it will work. When I try to associate it with the
database trigger, it breaks. The error message said error trying to read the
advance dabase shema.
Solution 1:
As per our investigation it seems that there must be trigger present in your database i.e. resulting in the insertion of duplicate records in the “dbEventTriggerTable”. It seems that in your case the Trigger Name in “SQL Trigger” field and the “SQL Trigger Name” field weren’t same at some point of time. In this case the trigger will be activated successfully and will work fine but it results into issues when the trigger is Deactivated. The trigger will be deactivated from Adeptia but it will still remain in the database and consequently resulting in records in the “dbEventTriggerTable”. Please try the below steps that might help you to resolve this:
1. Deactivate all the Database Events.
2. Go to the Database where dbEVentTriggerTable is created. Drop all the triggers that you have created through Adeptia.
3. Activate all the required Database events.
Solution 2:
If you are using Adv. Database Schema along with DatabaseEvent when “EventContextEnabled” is True then we would suggest you to use “SQL Query” Field in the database event. Refer to the section Home > Creating Trigger and Events > Creating Database Event in Developer Guide.
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