Multiple IFF for filtering records
How do you construct a multiple IFF statement for filtering records?
I have tried:
IFF CONDITION{ $Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/
Root/Record/ContractText != 'FT w/o benefits' or
$Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/Root/Record/ContractText != 'PT w/o benefits'}
VALUE=[ 'true' ]
IFF CONDITION{ $Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/Root/Record/ContractText != 'FT
w/o benefits' or 'PT w/o benefits'}
VALUE=[ 'true' ]
Neither of these will work even though the XML will validate.
It is an "and" statement instead of an "or"
statement. Apparently the conditional statements are treated differently in
XML than other languages such as Javascript.This is resolved by changing the rule from:
IFF CONDITION{ $Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/
Root/Record/ContractText != 'FT w/o benefits' or
$Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/Root/Record/ContractText != 'PT w/o benefits'}
VALUE=[ 'true' ]TO
IFF CONDITION{ $Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/
Root/Record/ContractText != 'FT w/o benefits' and
$Input_WAT_EEC_Input_Schema/Root/Record/ContractText != 'PT w/o benefits'}
VALUE=[ 'true' ]0
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