Excel - Copy Down Function
AnsweredI have a csv file that has blank fields in various columns. Is there any type of functionality available in Adeptia that could take that file and "copy down" the data from the field above into the null fields beneath it and then when it runs into a value in that field (which could be after 1 line or 5 lines or 18 lines) it would stop copying down and then use that new value to copy down to the lines beneath it? And would do that for every column?
For example
Adeptia Support Test 1
Support Test 2
Test 3
Help Attempt 1
Would convert to:
Adeptia Support Test 1
Adeptia Support Test 2
Adeptia Support Test 3
Adeptia Support Test 4
Adeptia Help Attempt 1
Adeptia Help Attempt 2
Official comment
- Create local variables for the following:
1) varCurrentValue - Check if incoming value is not null, then set value to incoming value
Holds current incoming value
2) getContextValue - get varContext from context (get-context function)Holds previous value
3) setFinalValue - Check if varCurrentValue is not null, then set value to
varCurrentValue, otherwise set value varContextSet output value
4) setContextValue - set varContext to setFinalValue variable (set-context function)Save current output value
- Now set target field to setFinalValue variable
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