Issue: Migration Utility stuck while Promoting Export zip to Adeptia Suite 5.3.
Applicable for: This option is applicable with the Migration Utility for Adeptia Suite 5.3.
1. Adeptia Suite Services should be started.
2. Access to Adeptia Suite installation directory.
3. Permissions to modify Directories of Adeptia Suite.
This issue is in v5.3 because of a new Class imported into the schema activities.
While promoting objects, Migration Utility searches the required jar files in web/libs folder and the jar containing the above mentioned imported class is not present in web/libs folder. So, the problem is due to this missing imported class.
Hence a temporary workaround for this is to place the jar file named “” in AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/web/libs folder. This jar file is present in AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/libs/frevvo folder of AdeptiaSuite.
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