You may receive a message from the browser "Do you want to open this file?" when attempting to launch the data mapper or process designer.
Cause: MIME type not set
- Opening Process Designer
- Opening Data Mapper
Solution: Install Java 1.6 (for Adeptia v5.2)
- Note: Adeptia v5.3 will support Java 7
If Java is installed, you may have to select the proper Java Web Start program to launch the "jnlp" file. You can do this by:
1) Saving the jnlp file to the desktop
2) Right clicking on the file and selecting "Open With" > "Choose default program..."
3) Navigating to the folder that java is currently installed
Ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin
4) Selecting javaws.exe program
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