Situation: One of our processes which is triggered by a database update just stops working sometime. I don’t even see any event log that says activated. As soon as we restart the services the trigger works.
1. We checked the logs and found below exceptions there:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Data source rejected establishment of connection, message from server: "Too many connections"
Above exception is thrown because all the connections to MYSQL were used due to a large number of flows were triggered in short period of time. This error was thrown by your MYSQL server due to unavailable connections.
2. Below exception is thrown due to dis-connectivity with the log database and that is due to max number of connections to database were utilized.
ETL_FEDEX_PROD_MSToOracle|ETL_FEDEX_PROD_MSToOracle|Transaction|Executed|administrators|192168005036133398731976000|19216800503613501437142615|1921680050361333987319760|19216800503613501437142615|admin|Error while making entry in table au_transactiondata Start Time:2012-10-13 11:55:14 End Time:2012-10-13 11:55:22 Run Time:8 second(s) 159 ms[Error while retrieving log database connection]||PROD fedex Mssql to oracle updates
at com.adeptia.indigo.logging.LogDatabaseConnection.getConnectionFromProperties(
java.lang.Exception: Error while retrieving log database connection
at com.adeptia.indigo.logging.LogDatabaseConnection.getConnection(
3. We checked your system configuration and found that Queue processor was disabled as explained in our earlier response these issues can be resolved by enabling the queue processor.
So please enable Queue Processor of your Adeptia Server. Refer to "Load Management" section of admin guide for enabling queue processor. Admin guide can be found under Help section of Adeptia Suite when you will login through admin.
4. Regarding issues while restarting Adeptia Services we checked the event log of your machine and didn’t found anything there. The problem while restarting Adeptia service might be due to jsl.exe process was left in your processes due to which it occurred. If this thing happens again check your task manager for any java or jsl processes.
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