After setting up our two node cluster we are getting some errors in regards to the path of the shared storage. Here is an example of the error. The share is wide open permission wise and fully accessible to the cluster nodes.
I’m unclear if the repository needs to be created by us or what exactly is going on. The Adeptia02 sub-folder did not exist and we tried creating that but it didn’t help. Can you help? Thanks. \\shareddirectory\adeptia_recovery\adeptia02\192168110165141800005!192168110165141573839697100007 (file:///\\shareddirectory\adeptia_recovery\adeptia02\192168110165141573831969800008110165141573839697100007) (The system cannot find the path specified)
Adeptia is unable to access the shared location defined under Administer > Setup > Application Settings > Update System Properties > Process Flow > Recovery > abpm.recovery.repository.root
1. Make sure the server is able to access the location defined
2. Make sure the user Adeptia is running under has proper permissions to that directory
- If you are running Adeptia as windows services under a local system account, try using a domain account
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