We ran into a Java date issue where the Date/TIme is pulled from the Database in milliseconds. In the database, the date is stored as 2/13/15 6:00 AM but the value Adeptia is extracting from the database is showing up as a strange numeric value rather than a date: 1423807200000
I have tried the suggestion below, but why is the date being pulled incorrectly in the first place?
Try to add the table name before each column name in the DB Event. It will work against one table, we need to add the table name prefix before each column name to allow the dates to appear in date format and not in Java format.
For example:
select employee from bc_employees
Use below query instead of above:
select bc_employees.employee from bc_employees (It also accept an alias, so 'select a.employee from bc_employees a' works too)
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