How to convert a decoded PDF document into an encoded XML file?
Please find the attached export zip file for the prototype of process flow for encoding. Details of Process Flow are:
· File Source (FS_NH_RawFile): Source to pick up input raw document.
· Custom Plugin (CP_NH_Encoder): Base 64 Encoder to encode the input stream and put the encoded string in to “data” context variable.
· Dummy Source (File Source: FS_NH): Dummy source to give input stream to Data Mapper DM_NH_Encoder. It should generate the XML stream that confirms to the input schema used in Data Mapper DM_NH_Encoder. Only structure of xml file needs to be same and any data in xml file is irrelevant.
· Data Mapper (DM_NH_Encoder): Data Mapper to insert Base 64 encoded data into xml document.
· File Target (FT_NH_EncodedXMLDoc): Target to store the output xml file having Base 64 encoded document inserted in it.
In order to run the attached process flow, you need to edit the following activities:
· File Source (FS_NH_RawFile): Update “filePath” parameter to the directory path where your raw input document is placed. Update “filename” parameter with name of raw document that needs to be encoded.
· Dummy Source (File Source: FS_NH): Update “filePath” parameter to the directory path where your XML file that confirms to the input schema used in Data Mapper DM_NH_Encoder is placed. Update “filename” parameter with name of that XML document.
· File Target (FT_NH_EncodedXMLDoc): Update “filePath” parameter to the directory path where you want to generate output xml. Update “filename” parameter with name of XML document that needs to be created.
Please find the details of attachments:
· EncodedDoc.xml: Sample output XML file generated from process flow. It has Base64 Encoded document inserted in tag.
· Exported Process flow solution zip file.
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