Situation: After starting the Adeptia services, we have noticed that the Kernel is not getting up while the Webrunner started properly and shows Licence activation failed error on GUI.
However, when looking at the Kernel logs, we found that the Kernel got stuck after the below lines of statements.
Starting input stream handler
Starting error stream handler
2018-10-03 07:12:04 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
2018-10-03 07:12:04 SLF4J: Found binding in
2018-10-03 07:12:39,212 INFO [Enterprise Business Integration Management Suite 6.7 Kernel Thread] kernel com.adeptia.indigo.IndigoKernel.boot( - ||||null|||||null|Registering core mbeans|localhost||null
2018-10-03 07:12:42,807 INFO [Enterprise Business Integration Management Suite 6.7 Kernel Thread] jta com.adeptia.indigo.jta.JtaManager.start( - ||||null|||||null|Starting the JTA Manager|localhost||null
Cause: This issue has occurred because after "Starting the JTA Manager", Adeptia looks for the Recovery folder to scan and recover the recoverable process flow(s).
And if Adeptia, is not able to access the Recovery location, it get stuck and cannot move further.
Solution: Check the location of Recovery/Repository folder and allow the Adeptia to access those location so that Adeptia can be started successfully.
Note: It is recommended to give all the permission to Adeptia so that it can access all the folders of the Adeptia installed directory.
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