ProcessFlow Repository Archive
Can you tell me what exactly is contained in this folder path (on a Windows server)...
C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite\AdeptiaServer-5.2\ServerKernel\web\Archive\ProcessFlow
The contents seems to grow indefinitely until the storage space on the server fills up. Can the contents be safely deleted to free up space?
I'm familiar with the ServerKernel\web\repository folder (sort of a temporary workspace...becomes more important in a cluster setup when moved to a file share) and that seems to be maintained by a maintenance job that runs (seems to work well on our 5.3 systems, but never worked on our 5.2 systems), but I'm not exactly sure what the processflow archive folder is used for.
The web repository folder contains intermediate data/files for all day to day running flows and executions. The mentioned location i.e.C:\Program Files\AdeptiaSuite\AdeptiaServer-5.2\ServerKernel\web\Archive\ProcessFlow is used for data archival.
The system archival and cleanup process checks if archival property is activated by the administrator or not. If archival property is switched off, the archival and cleanup process will delete the repository data as per the definitions mentioned. If the archival property is switched, the archival and cleanup process will archive the data from repository folder to the archival folder before its clean up. For process flow repository data, default location of archival is "web\Archive\ProcessFlow" under "ServerKernel" of Adeptia installation directory.
Before launch of Adeptia Suite 5.3 SP1 15th June, 2012 web release user need to clean up the archival folders manually or by creating a process flow. Now, Adeptia has the archival cleanup property active by simple configurations.
Since you must be using 5.2 23rd April and 5.3 SP1 25th May, 2012 release, we would request you to manually clean the archived data or create a process flow to delete the unwanted archived data.
You can switch off the archival permanently to manage your storage space. The cleanup process will then simply clean the data without any archival.
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Makes sense...thank you. Based on that info, it kind of looks like our 5.2 systems are actually archiving the repository, but they are also don't seem to be clearing out the active repository, which is kind of weird. So basically we just have everything duplicated in both the archive and the active repository as far as I can tell, which consumes a lot of space fast. The server actually ran out of disk space on Friday, which is why I opened this determine what I can safely delete to free up more disk space.
I don't even have the option to enable/disable the process flow archiving. Is that something I can edit manually in a config file maybe, or was it not even an option in 5.2, and I just have to keep manually clearing out the archive until we upgrade that system to 5.3 (will eventually happen, but not scheduled yet)?
On a related note, is it also safe to delete files out of the active repository manually, as long as I don't delete anything from any active process flows? As I mentioned earlier, on our 5.2 systems the active repository doesn't seem to be clearing out....that is working properly on the systems I've upgrade to 5.3 though.
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1) We have a lot less settings on our 5.2 systems when compared to 5.3 systems. I don't even have the option to enable/disable the process flow archiving. Is that something I can edit manually in a config file maybe, or was it not even an option in 5.2, and I just have to keep manually clearing out the archive until we upgrade that system to 5.3 (will eventually happen, but not scheduled yet)?
Response- v5.2 of Adeptia Suite does not have the option to enable or disable the archiving process. It was introduced in later release of Adeptia Suite, so you need to upgrade the system to v5.3 of Adeptia Suite to have this option. As of now, you need to keep manually clearing out the archive folder.
2) On a related note, is it also safe to delete files out of the active repository manually, as long as I don't delete anything from any active process flows?
Response- As long as you don’t delete anything from any active process flows (flows that are currently running in Adeptia Suite), it is safe to delete files out of the active repository manually. The only problem of this clean-up process would be that you won’t be able to view the process flow repository under “Repository” link of “Details” section of that process flow in logs page.0
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