How do I use the When Condition mapping function?
i have an xml file with some fields a field TYPE and a field NUMMER
field type can contain the value BURGER or BEDRIJF
if the field type is BURGER then the field NUMMER can contain an value of 8 or 9 numbers.
the value should always be 9 numbers or empty if the value is 8 numbers then we have to add a leading 0.
if the field "type" has an value of BEDRIJF then the value of NUMMER stays as it is
SO in xml
should stay unaltered
should be altered to
should stay unaltered
should stay unaltered
how can i acomplish this ?
Please use below when condition in your data mapping:-
WHEN CONDITION{($Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/TYPE = 'BURGER' and string-length($Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/NUMMER ) =9) or ($Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/TYPE = 'BURGER' and string-length($Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/NUMMER ) =0) or ($Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/TYPE = 'BEDRIJF') } VALUE=[$Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/NUMMER] OTHERWISE VALUE=[ concat( substring( '000000000', 1, 9 - string-length($Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/NUMMER )) , $Input_XMLSchema/GetOrders/NUMMER) ]
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