How to copy a table from one database to another?
I am trying to create a PF which actually copies the table from one database to the other and then I was planning to schedule this PF daily to pickup only new records. But when I try to copy the initial load records, i receive a Garbage collection limit exceeded error. Looks like it is going out of memory due to large number of records. What can be done? The have already been updated with more memory as follows:
#Kernel JVM parameters
KN:JVM: -Xms1024M -Xmx3072M -Xrs -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M
Would it be advisable to increase more space? Or is there any other way of solving this.
Let's divide your request into two tasks:
1) Take all the records from one database table and insert them into another database table
2) Schedule a daily flow that will take new records from the original database table and insert them into the new database tableIn the first task, you can write a stored procedure to move the data. This will eliminate the memory issues that are occurring since the data will not be stored in the Adeptia memory.
In the second task, you can setup a flow using a calendar event with the process flow you have previously provided.
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