While migrating projects or creating export zip you may encounter below error only in Adeptia v 6.6:
Error in restoring data for table AC_TRANSACTION. Reason: Invalid object name 'AC_TRANSACTION'.
Storing table AC_TRANSACTION
Error in restoring data for table AC_TRANSACTION. Reason: Invalid object name 'AC_TRANSACTION'.
Error in storing table AC_TRANSACTION. Continuing with next table.
Error while exporting objects for project Invalid object name 'AC_TRANSACTION'.
Export failed.Reason: Invalid object name 'AC_TRANSACTION'.
Please see "migration.log" for detail information.
This is a product issue that only appears in Adeptia v6.6 and is fixed in the upcoming release of Adeptia. There is a hotfix available for this issue that can only be applied over Adeptiav6.6.
Download link for Hot Fix:
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