Situation :
We have some data present in the Database table on basis of which we want to filter out the records of Incoming Source file. To achieve this we have created a Db Query that takes value from Source record and verifies the condition.
DB Query: DbQuery { Select FirstName from tablename where LastName = '/Field2' , $DbConnInfo , true}
Example :
DB Table
UniqueID | FirstName | LastName | Age |
1 | AA | BB | 21 |
2 | PP | 22 | |
3 | XX | YY | 23 |
Source Record
Field1 | Field2 | Field3 | Field4 |
00 | BB | xyz | m |
01 | DD | pqr | n |
02 | YY | abc | o |
Target Record (Filtering Data on basis of LastName)
Field1 | Field2 | Field3 | Field4 |
00 | AA | xyz | m |
02 | XX | abc | o |
and verifies the condition but we are unable to get the desired results.
In order to achieve the desired output, you need to follow the below steps :-
- Create a local variable for Dbquery at /Root level i.e. $DbQueryRecord with below Query.
DbQuery { Select FirstName from tablename where LastName = '/Field2' , $DbConnInfo , true}
- Place the Xpath of the Source Record (/Record) in For-each at /Root level.
- Now, use the variable defined in step1 ($DbQueryRecord) within IFF condition in textual rule at /Record level. As shown below :
" IFF {$DbQueryRecord > 0 } VALUES ['true'] "
After following the above-mentioned steps, the desired output will be achieved.
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