This post relates to the Enable External Mapping Validation feature in the Template as explained here display/AC34/Using+Validate+ Option
In the Template there is an option to check for "Enable External Mapping Validation"
As a prerequisite, his option requires a call to a REST API. This API is a Web Service Provider which will call a process flow in Adeptia Connect. The design of the process flow, which is published as an API, is attached in this post. The Request JSON is automatically generated by the mapping and sent as a source to this process flow when the Validate button is clicked. The Target schema used in the attached flow's mapping is based on the fields that you want to validate.
Here's the mapping validation logic applied in the validation process flow.
For example, the "status" node has a constant "error". The fields in the target schema are the ones you want to validate in your solution's actual mapping. The validation rule in the map for the fields such as EmployeeSSN consists of IFF and a For each condition. Use the Migration Utility to Import the attached deployable process flow into your Adeptia Connect instance to see the details. This process flow needs to be published in the WS Provider and the endpoint needs to be configured in the Template's External Mapping Validation API configuration step.
Also attached is the source and target JSON for your reference. Source is auto generated by your solution map when the user clicks on the Validate button and it is sent to this process flow as a payload which validates your mapping rules and responds back and the results of the validation are shown in your actual map.
Once the API is called in your solution's map, the results are shown in the mapping UI as seen below.
Refer to the attached files.
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