Requirement 1: I have the following IFF CONDITION which is working but I need to add a
Value Map to it, to translate the value I am checking. How do I add it?
IFF CONDITION{ $Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT =
'AA' or $Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT = 'AD' or
$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT = 'AB' or
$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT = 'AC' or
$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT = 'PS' or
$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT = 'RB' or
$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT = 'X9' }
VALUE=[$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT ] OTHERWISE
VALUE=['false' ]
Solution: According to our understanding, you want to map the value based on a condition through a value Map. This can be achieved by the below steps:-
- Create a local ValueMap1 and provide the value as AA, AD, AB, AC, PS, RB, X9.
- Now, Map all these values to "$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT".
- Provide the Default Value as "False".
- Save it and use this value map in the textual rule of the field you want to map.
For example: ValueMap1($Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT)
Note: In case, if you get an error "variables can’t be saved to a value map" while saving the Value Map, then kindly perform the following steps:-
- Go to location ".\ServerKernel\web\applets\mapping\valueMap\group"
- Open the XML and XSL of value map in edit mode and replace all the occurrence of Node Xpath with "NodeName".
Example: Replace XPath "$Input_XML_214_Schema_from_DB/DB/ELP520/ELP521/E5STAT" with NodeName "E5STAT".
Requirement 2: The above IFF CONDITION, I need to reverse it for the AT701 to state the same thing but instead of equal I need not equal. I tried != but it does not work. I do not get any error but it just does not work. How can I do the above with not equal because there are too many to check if I try to
use the equal?
Solution: This can be achieved by the below steps:-
- Create a local ValueMap2 in which provide the value as AA, AD, AB, AC, PS, RB, X9.
- Now Map all the values to "False".
- Provide the Default Value as "True"
- Save it.
On AT701, then duplicate on the other nodes:-
- Set valuemap2 to the global variable "varCondition".
- Choose the boolean function Equals and set the inputs as varCondition and the constant 'true'.
- Choose the Conditional IFF Condition for filtering records.
- Set the first input as the output of the boolean function and set the second input as D1.
- Map the output of the IFF Condition to the AT701
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