Following are the steps for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server using Windows Authentication
1. Place the attached dll file at the below location:-
2. Use the attached sqljdbc42.jar for creating the database driver.
3. In the, use the below line in the JVM parameters. The screenshot is also attached. Use the path as per your build installation:-
4. After these steps, restart the Adeptia Services.
5. Create the DB info and use the Driver as Step 2 and Server URL as below:-
jdbc:sqlserver://DBSERVERIP Address:1433;databaseName=DB_NAME;integratedSecurity=true;
No Need for UserName and Password.
6. The connection is successful after this step.
Also, if the above steps don't work then download the jar and dll file corresponding to the SQL server version from the Microsoft website and then follow the above steps again. Installation instructions are as below:-
A. Installation Instructions for the Microsoft Windows version of the JDBC Driver
1. Use the 4.0 version of the Microsoft JDBC jar and sqljdbc_auth.dll available here
2. Download sqljdbc_<version>_<language>.exe to a temporary directory.
3. Run sqljdbc_<version>_<language>.exe.
4. Enter an installation directory when prompted. We recommend that you unpack this zip file in “C:\Program Files\MSSQL_WindowsAuthentication” with the default directory.
Follow the initial steps of connection with MSSQL again with this new Jar and dll file.
1 comment
For older versions of SQL Server, use 3.0 version of the Microsoft JDBC jar(sqljdbc4.jar).
You can download the driver package here:
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