Requirement: How can we configure Adeptia's Backend and Log database running on MS SQL Server with Windows Authentication.
Solution: Kindly, perform the following steps to configure Adeptia's Backend and Log database with Windows Authentication.
A. Installation Instructions of dll file
1. Goto location ".\ServerKernel\dependency" and check the SQLServer (mssql-jdbc-x.jre) version.
2. Now, download the file compatible with your MS SQL Server jar from the below link:-
3. Extract the zip and copy the DLL file from ".\enu\auth\x64".
B. Instructions to add and configure dll file in Adeptia
1. Goto the directory ".\AdeptiaInstallation\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\ext" and create a folder with name "dll".
2. Now, place the downloaded dll file here.
3. Goto the directory ".\ServerKernel\etc" and open the file in edit mode.
4. Add below line in the JVM parameters and define the path as per your build installation as shown in the image.
C. Instructions to connect Adeptia Databases using Windows Authentication
- Steps to configure Backend and Log Database
- Goto the directory ".\ServerKernel\ext" and open the file in edit mode. Make sure to have backup of this file
- Search for "Database Configuration" section and set the properties as shown below:-
abpm.jdo.url: jdbc:sqlserver://<Host Server>:<port>;databaseName={Backend Database};integratedSecurity=true;
abpm.jdo.username: (blank)
abpm.jdo.password: (blank)
3. Now, search for "Database appended" and set the properties as shown below:-
log4j.appender.jdbc.url: jdbc:sqlserver://<Host Server>:<port>;databaseName={Log Database};integratedSecurity=true;
log4j.appender.jdbc.username: (blank)
log4j.appender.jdbc.password: (blank)
- Steps to configure Quartz Database
1. Goto the directory ".\ServerKernel\etc" and open the file in edit mode and set the following properties:-
org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.URL=jdbc:sqlserver://<Host Server>:<port>;databaseName={Backend Database};integratedSecurity=true;
org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.user= {blank}
org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.password= {blank}
2. Save the file.
3. Restart the Adeptia Services.
Note: If your current build tag is v3.6, then the following steps will be applicable:-
1. Download the attached QuartzConnectionPoolingProvider.class file and place it at the location ".\ServerKernel\customClasses" folder.
2. Goto the directory ".\ServerKernel\etc" and take the backup of the file.
3. Now, open this file in edit mode and set the following properties:-
org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.URL=jdbc:sqlserver://<Host Server>:<port>;databaseName={Backend Database};integratedSecurity=true;
org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.user= {blank}
org.quartz.dataSource.aBPM.password= {blank}
4. Save the file.
5. Restart the Adeptia Services.
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