The default installation of Adeptia Suite configures Adeptia Services i.e. Kernel and Webrunner on a single system; however, we can enable the kernel and Webrunner to work on distributed systems.
This post describes the guidelines to configure your Adeptia services on different machines or environments.
- Ensure you have full access to both the servers (machines).
- Ensure both the servers are on a network and they can communicate with each other.
- The installation and configuration may require a server restart.
- You should have already downloaded Adeptia Suite on both the servers to start the installation.
- It is mandatory to install a similar version of Adeptia Suite on both the servers (machines).
Configure Adeptia Service on different systems
This is a two-step process:
- Installation of Adeptia Suite on both servers
- Configure Kernel and Webrunner on both servers
Installation of Adeptia Suite on both servers
There will be two servers Primary Server(On which Kernel will run) and Secondary server(On which Webrunner will run).
Fresh Installation Adeptia on Primary Server:
a) For the fresh installation of Adeptia Suite. Please refer to Adeptia Installation Guide for details.
b) You can select the type of database that you want to use for log/backend purpose during installation. By selecting “Custom Install set” instead of selecting “Express Install set”.
Fresh Installation Adeptia on Secondary Server:
- Install Adeptia Suite on both servers. Please refer to Adeptia Installation Guide for details.
- If you are using some external Database(other than HSQLDB) then select “Custom Install set” instead of selecting “Express Install set” during Installation. Point to the same log/back-end database used in Primary Server.
- Select the Database and Select the Radio button of Use existing tables instead of Create new while setting up log/embedded Database.
Configure Kernel and Webrunner on both servers
Follow the below-defined steps to run the AdeptiaSuite Kernel and Webrunner on the different machines.
1) Go to Secondary Server(machine) on which you want to run the webrunner and open “AdeptiaSuite-6.x\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\etc”
2) Open file.
3) Search for “” property and replace the highlighted by the IP of the Primary Server(machine).
4) If you have used embedded log database on Primary Server(machine), Search for “log4j.appender.jdbc.url ” property and replace the highlighted by the IP of the Primary server(machine).
5) If you have used embedded backend database on Primary Server(machine), Search for “abpm.jdo.url” property and replace the highlighted by the IP of the Primary server(machine).
6) Save server.configure-properties file.
- In Windows
7) Stop Adeptia services on both the servers.
8) Start Kernel on a Primary server and Webrunner on Secondary Server.
- In Linux
7) Stop Adeptia services on both the servers.
8) Open the file ( found under “AdeptiaSuite-6.x\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel” in edit mode and make the following changes:-
In the server where kernel is installed, modify the file ( as below:-
commands=('java com.adeptia.indigo.loader.ApplicationLauncher KN 1')
Also, in a server where web-runner is running, modify as:-
commands=('java com.adeptia.indigo.loader.ApplicationLauncher WB')
instead of
work=("kernel" "webrunner")
commands=('java com.adeptia.indigo.loader.ApplicationLauncher KN 1' 'java com.adeptia.indigo.loader.ApplicationLauncher WB')
Note: You can also refer to the attached files (startup.sh_webrunner, startup.sh_kernel) for reference.
9) After saving the file, restart the Adeptia Services on both the servers.
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