Root selection is not available in Context Upload\Download activity. The ideal approach for achieving this thing is to use Context Schema (on target side) of the Data Mapper.
But below steps would help you in achieving this thing in the context Download/Upload GUI itself. You can manually enter the xPath as per the desired root node. Please follow below steps for achieving this thing:
Please find the attached example.xsd and create a XML schema with the help of this XSD.
There will be two root nodes in the schema i.e. RootNode1 & RootNode2.
Now create a new ContextUpload/ContextDownload activity and use this newly created schema in this activity.
RootNode1 will be selected automatically while mapping context variable.
Map the element with variable by selecting the element and xpath of that element would appear in above box. In this case xpath is: “/RootNode1/ShipmentTo/name”.(Refer below screenshot for more info)
Provide variable name in the variable name field we have taken it Var2 for example.
If you want to select the element “price” in RootNode2 then manually enter the xpath as “/RootNode2/item/price” in “Mapping” for box.
Click on Apply and after that click on Add Variable. (Refer below screenshot for more details)
9. Save this ContextUpload activity and you can use this variable further in Process Flow.
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