To have a clear idea of what happening, we want to have a report of the execution time of each process flow on Adeptia (especially the long running ones). To do that, we believe we can use the data on Monitor>History>Process Flow logs especially the start time and end time. How can we do this?
This information is found in the Adeptia logs database in the AU_TRANSACTIONDATA table. The column names would be AU_ACTIVITYSTARTTIME,AU_ACTIIVITYENDTIME, and AU_TRANSACTIONNAME. You can use Adeptia's inbuilt custom reporting feature to generate the reports needed (Develop > Reports and Dashboards).
You can learn more in the Developer Guide (Help > Developer Guide)
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If you are trying to pull up this information for currently running process flows, you'll need to replace the AU_ACTIVITYENDTIME with a System.currentTimeMillis(); call to obtain the current system time.
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