Hi - we are attempting to connect to a SQL server using driving SQLServer_DB_Driver_1_3_1 and are getting the following error message:
Database connection failed to URL :jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://testdbserver:1433/test;domain=Adeptia, Error : Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication
Verify connectivity by accessing the machine Adeptia is installed on. If you don't have SQL Management Studio or another database visualizer tool (DBVisualizer), you can try using a .udl file
Create the data link (UDL) file
1) Right-click the Windows desktop, point to New, and then click Text Document.
2) A new file is created by default (New Text Document.txt).
3) Open Windows Explorer, and on the Tools menu, click Folder Options. On the View tab, clear the Hide file extensions for known file types check box and then click OK.
4) Right-click the Text Document you created in step 1, choose Rename, and then change the name and extension of the file to: sqltest.udl A warning might appear, explaining that changing file extensions could cause files to become unusable. Disregard this warning. Double-click the (sqltest.udl) file and then click Properties. This opens the Data Link Properties dialog box. You are now ready to connect to your data source.
Testing connectivity to a SQL server
1) When you have opened the data link properties select the Connection tab.
2) Enter the SQL server’s hostname followed by a backslash (\) in the first box. E.g. testdbserver\
3) Under ‘Enter information to log on to the server’ select
- ‘User a specific user name and password’ if the SQL server uses SQL authentication.
4) Under ‘Select the database on the server’ click on the drop down list to view the databases that are available.
5) Select the require database and click the ‘Test Connection’ button.
6) If necessary record any error seen. Otherwise click OK to close the properties window and save the connection settings.
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