Situation: A SOAP provider created in a single node environment "DEV" could not be called when the same PF & Webservice provider is deployed to the clustered/staging environment (2 node cluster) with staging LB URL. Following are the endpoints:
DEV endpoint - https://adeptiadev/wsx/Adeptia_WS_CreateDraftOrder_DocumentType
Staging endpoint - https://adeptiastg/wsx/Adeptia_WS_CreateDraftOrder_DocumentType
This issue had further findings
- WSDL exists in serverkernel/wsdl (Note: WSDL is a shared folder for both staging nodes in a cluster).
- server-config.wsdd is the same for both nodes.
- Synchronized the SOAP provider from UI.
Solution: There are certain points that are needed to check in order to make the SOAP WS work. In a clustered environment it is important to check the zip is deployed both the environments. If not, then you can check the below points to resolve this issue:-
- Check sun-jaxws.xml file in both nodes found under location “.\AdeptiaSuite-6.x\AdeptiaServer\ServerKernel\wsx\WEB-INF”, to see if you have begun points added on both the nodes.
- In case, if point 1 is not valid (the begun point is not added in both the nodes), then you zip should be deployed. If you don’t want to deploy the zip on the other node then please add the End point in the above file in a similar way to Node 1.
- Edit, Save and Synchronize the WS provider and then try to hit the WS Provider.
- Try to execute using SoapUI to see what response you are getting.
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