We have done the upgrade of the jar file in Adeptia Connect v 3.2 because the older jar files were vulnerable and the upgraded jar files that contain various security fixes which make them less vulnerable. If you are upgrading to Connect v3.2, then the existing MYSQL jar file becomes incompatible and will not work. For this, you need to upgrade existing MYSQL jar files that are compatible with v3.2.
This forum post will guide you through the steps that have to be followed in Adeptia Connect to modify the existing DB Info and DB Driver. We have also attached the latest MYSQL driver-jar that you can download and use while creating the DB Driver.
Below is the essential information that is needed while creating the DB Info and DB Driver for MySQL:
Jar: mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar
Driver: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
Info: jdbc:mysql://DBServerName:3306/DBName?useSSL=false
MySQL JDBC driver: Unzip the attached file and upload the driver in the Configure > ACCOUNTS > Database Driver.
The Database Driver and Database Info will look like as shown below:-
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