To add the header in the web service request, you need to put header value into the below context variable:
EntityName + _Header (Here EntityName is the name of the web service consumer activity name)
For achieving this please follow the steps below :
- Open the Process Flow Designer.
- Go to Repository View > Actions in Process Flow Designer.
- Drag Put-Context-Var into canvas area.
- Attach it before the web service call activity.
- Double click on the Put-Context-Var Activity and Edit the Put-Context-Var from it's properties.
- Now a new window(Edit context variables) will open up.
- Click on "Add new context variable" button.
For example:
If your web service activity name is salesforceConsumer then you have to define “salesforceConsumer_Header” context variable into the process flow and assign the desired value in XML format.
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