Migration Utility’s Promote feature is supported in GUI mode only and not in console mode. To use Promote feature for the Adeptia Suite running on Linux/Solaris machine, you have to invoke the migration utility from a Windows machine.
Follow the below steps:
1) Create a folder hierarchy in the system where migration utility will be invoked as shown below
2) Copy all jars from ServerKernel/web/libs of the Adeptia Suite running on Linux/Solaris server to the above location (ServerKernel/web/libs).
3) Copy server-configure.properties and mapping.xml from ServerKernel/etc of the Adeptia Suite running on Linux/Solaris server to the ServerKernel folder on Windows machine.
4) Copy indigo.properties file from ServerKernel/embeddedDb/db of the Adeptia Suite running on Linux/Solaris server to the corresponding folder on the Windows machine.
5) Launch migration utility from the windows machine and point to ServerKernel folder (created in step 1) as build location.
1. The above information is also applicable in case you want to use migration utility from the remote box (where Adeptia Suite is not running) to promote objects.
2. For using Migration Utility in Adeptia Suite V6.5 onwards, you will need to place the "local_policy.jar" and "US_export_policy.jar" that is pre-bundled with patches in ".\jre\lib\security" folder of the jre that you are using for Migration Utility. We have also attached these files for convenience.
3. The attached jar files are only valid for Java 8 and you need to download the compatible jar file for your java from Oracle website online.
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