Question: I’m trying to create a really simple process flow that picks up a file from the ftp server in folder /test/pickup, zips the file, and archives it in /test/pickup/archive.
I’ve got it working with hard-coded filenames, and I’m trying to get it to work with *.txt on the ftp source. I’m trying to pass the source file name through to the compression utility so the file name in the compressed folder is the same as the original file name. This seems like a really common thing to want to do, but I can’t figure out how to do it. When I attempt to set the fileName context variable of the Compression service, there aren’t any context variables listed to set:
If I put $$Service.bctest_pickup_archive.fileName$$ in the fileName property of the compression service, it just creates a file of that name in the zipped folder.
Drag and Put-Context-Var action before the compression activity in the process designer.
Double click on Put-Context-Var action and click on the edit button from bottom panel.
Add a new variable by providing following information:
Activity name: Compression (select from the drop-down list)
Variable Name : fileName ( You have to write this)
Variable value :$$Service.<<Name of source activity>>.fileName$$.
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