In this example we will use our Salesforce connector to connect to any application such as Database, ERP, Reporting, Workflow, Web Services or APIs. This data integration connector is used to replicate data from Salesforce to a backend database. Similar methodology is used to integrate Cloud to backend systems.
Specifically we have two working solutions as part of this scenario and these are:
(SF to DB) - First is a connection between Salesforce and Account Master database where Accounts are pulled from Salesforce and pushed into Account Master database.
(DB to SF) - Second is a connection between an Account Master database and Salesforce where Accounts are pulled from Account Master database and pushed into Salesforce.
Goal of this use case is to provide you with working templates so that you can expand on these and build your own solutions.
Use the Migration Utility to deploy the process flows. Also refer to the attached walk-through document to understand how the solution is built and how we can expand on these templates.
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