In this use case a user submits a web form with a report request and receives a report in an email attachment within seconds.
As part of the data integration flow we will go through the following steps:
- An end-user requests for a report by filling and submitting a Web Form which in turn triggers an orchestration
- Report type is a parameter that is selected in the Form and it can be a PDF, CSV or Excel
- Form parameters are passed into the process flow context and into the Adv Database Source query
- Parameterized query is set in the Adv Database Source activity SQL which selects only those records that match the Form parameters
- In the process flow we use Gateway conditions to check the Report Type variable value and then call the specific sub process
- For PDF format we use the iReport utility
- Send these reports via Email
- See the run-time results in the process flow logs dashboard
Process flow design:
Refer to the video, attached walk-through document, deployable solution and supporting files.
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