Example: Prescriber sending a new prescription to a pharmacy
The following video shows how to use Adeptia B2B Trading Partner interface to automatically process and map NCPDP New Prescription Request transmissions from a prescriber. Video shows how a non-technical user can easily map the NCPDP Script and other standards to any target format.
Using the Adeptia B2B Trading Partner interface a pharmacy can:
- Setup hundreds of Prescriber Trading Partners
- Automatically process all the Prescriber new prescription request transactions (NewRx)
- Map the NCPDP Script new prescription request to the Pharmacy backend system
- Monitor new prescription requests and their status
Elements in the incoming NCPDP New Prescription (NewRx) Transaction (SCRIPT standard) are:
Element |
Value |
To |
7702211:P |
From |
88888888:C |
MessageID |
1234567 |
Patient SocialSecurity |
888092222 |
Patient LastName,FirstName |
Jane:Elen |
Patient Gender |
F |
Patient Address |
21 Main St, Aurora, IL, 60445 |
Pharmacy Provider ID - NCPDPID |
7701789 |
Pharmacy National Provider ID - NPI |
1234567890 |
Pharmacy Name - StoreName |
ABC Pharmacy |
Prescriber NPI |
444444444 |
Prescriber Address |
45 Main St, Chicago, IL 60661 |
Prescriber Phone- Communication Number |
555-000-2222 |
Drug Description |
Drug Strength |
240 |
Strength From – NCPDP Drug Dosage Form Terminology is the code for Tablet dosing form. |
C42998 |
Quantity /Code value |
60:38 |
WrittenDate |
2014-10-1 |
Days Supply |
30 |
Number of Refills |
1 |
Sig Text |
Take one tablet |
RxFillIndicator – intent to receive status |
All fill statuses except transferred |
Mailbox sends back a Status notification (in SCRIPT standard)
Element |
Value |
To (Clinic/Prescriber) |
88888888:C |
From (Mailbox ID) |
111111:M |
MessageID (trace number of this transmission) |
66666681 |
Relatedto MessageID (presriber trace number) |
1234567 |
PrescriberOrderNumber |
n/a |
RxReferenceNumber |
n/a |
Status |
Status |
Status Code (000 means no error) |
000 |
In the below data integration diagram a new prescription is sent by a clinic (prescriber) to a mailbox. Pharmacy sends a ‘get message’ request to mailbox and receives the new prescription request. Prescriber receives the status from the mailbox. In the scenario where the clinic is sending a new prescription to a pharmacy via a mailbox, Adeptia ESB acts as a broker that listens to the new prescription requests and sends out the data as well as the status of the transmissions. This allows the pharmacy and the clinics to monitor the status of each transmission.
Prescribers can also send new prescriptions directly to pharmacies without using the mailbox. In this scenario Adeptia would simply receive the request from the clinic, map into the pharmacy data format and sends a status back to the prescriber.
For more information on Adeptia - NCPDP integration please refer to http://support.adeptia.com/entries/54725865-Integration-with-NCPDP-Standards
Simplified mapping of the NCPDP standard is one of key advantages of using Adeptia. To learn more about the mapping functionality please refer to mapping videos available in the support forum.
To learn more about the NCPDP Script standard please refer to www.ncpdp.org
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