This forum post helps you troubleshoot various errors that you encounter in the Adeptia Connect log files (Kernel.log and Webrunner.log). It assists you to determine the causes for those common errors and helps you resolve them in a quick and efficient manner. The following sections discuss the scenarios in which these errors occur.
- Node is down and removed from the cluster: Sometimes, we face some issues, where one node is up and another one is down or removed from the clustering infrastructure. In both cases, you may detect below error trace in your Kernel/ Webrunner logs.
- Down: ERROR [Cluster DB Failure Detector Thread] cluster com.adeptia.indigo.cluster.failure.notification.DBServerFailNotification.handleNotification( - ||||null|||||null|Cluster DB Failure detected for cluster server "" by member ""|||null
- Removed: Error while detecting node "" from database :: Last time stamp value not updated by cluster node since last "45" seconds
- Back-end DB is not accessible: You may experience scenarios where Adeptia GUI is accessible but find issues while traversing the activities. This is maybe caused due to the communication blockage between Adeptia and its Backend Database. In this case, you may find the error stacks like below in your Kernel and Webrunner log file.
java.sql.SQLException: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Caused by: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
Caused by: Connection refused
- Log DB is not accessible: You may find issues while accessing the log details at Adeptia GUI but able to see all processes. This can be caused because the Log database is not accessible. In that case, you can refer to the below forum post.
Kindly, go through the below forum Post, it covers most of the use cases.
- Repository folder is not accessible or is full: This type of issue generally occurs while deleting/ archiving the Repository directory during the scheduled cleanup process. In this case, you can find the following error in the ArchiveDataCleanUp.log and LogsArchiveAndCleanUp.log file. There is not enough space on the disk
com.adeptia.indigo.utils.IndigoException: There is not enough space on the disk
at com.adeptia.indigo.repository.FsRepository.storeSource(
com.adeptia.indigo.utils.IndigoException: Could not persist process flow data: There is not enough space on the disk at com.adeptia.indigo.transaction.recovery.RecoveryManager.persistTransaction(
- License is expired or is about to expire: Sometimes, you have found the following error traces in your Kernel log and at the GUI page. This can be caused when your registered License is expired.
License activation failed. Please start Adeptia again or contact Adeptia Support at OR
This license key has already been registered. Please use the correct license for this server.
If this server is not connected to the Internet, please go to "Manual License Activation" page
- License violation due to number of partners, users or anything else: You may experience a scenario where all of sudden, the process flow execution starts failing and can find the following error in the Kernel logs.
java.lang.Exception: License Violation Error
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Number of EDI Trading Partner(s) supported by the Enterprise License Edition: 6 at com.adeptia.indigo.license.ValidateRestrictedService.checkExistingTradingPartnerValidation(
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Number of total developer users supported by the Premier License Edition: 7
- Queue Processor hits concurrency limit (warning/alert): In some cases, you may see the message like "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded". This error occurs when the load on the Adeptia server exceeds the point where the server will perform successfully, given the existing memory allocation.
Kindly, refer to the below one:-
- Repository cleanup or archival failure (warning/alert): In System Console, you may find a red alert for Repository and Archival cleanup. You can also find the following traces in the cleanup log files.
Error in deleting logs from transactional tables :: null,
at logging.LogArchiveAndCleanUpAction.deleteDirectory(Unknown Source)
at logging.LogArchiveAndCleanUpAction.archiveAndDeleteRepository(Unknown Source)
- Log cleanup or archival failure (warning/alert): There are many consequences where the cleanup can fail. Few are:-
- ERROR [main] Log clean updb.DatabaseUtil.executeDeleteQuery(Unknown Source) - Unable to perform clean-up for table "AU_TRANSACTIONLOG"
- ERROR [main] Log Clean Up logging.LogArchiveAndCleanUpAction.performCleanUpOfTransactionalTable(Unknown Source) - Error in deleting logs from transactional tables :: null java.lang.NullPointerException
- Oracle Database JDBC driver mismatched: In some scenarios, the Oracle database-related activities get failed while execution. This can be caused due to the mismatch of the Oracle JDBC driver and can find the following error in Kernel and Process flow logs.
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol
ERROR [Enterprise Business Integration Management Suite 6.5 Kernel Thread] storage$CustomDatabase.performRetry( - ||User||null|||||null|Failed to connect to Backend Database. Performing retries[null]|localhost||null
- Apparent Deadlock:
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