Situation: When trying to start the Adeptia services, the Kernel is not coming up and exits with below Process Status code 137 in the KernelApplication.log whereas the webrunner log says it is waiting for the kernel to start.
2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-6.9/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/libs/slf4j/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/AdeptiaSuite/AdeptiaSuite-6.9/AdeptiaServer/ServerKernel/web/libs/spazio/activemq-all-5.7.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: See for an explanation.
2018-09-17 19:04:01 SLF4J: This version of SLF4J requires log4j version 1.2.12 or later. See also
Process status: 137
Destroying process
Explanation: When a Java process is destroyed with code 137, it means that the process was terminated by the system due to resource starvation (usually memory). Any process that has requested a large chunk of memory from the system, it checks for the available memory and finds that there is no way it can allocate your process more memory. So, try to free some memory invoking OOMKiller (in Linux).
Resolution: To resolve this, we should check that the system has enough memory to allocate to Kernel as defined in the file. Try killing all other processes that are consuming memory of the system and make sure that before starting Adeptia your have ample amount of memory as allocated in the file. If you still don't have enough memory then consider increasing the system memory/RAM(if required).
If you are unable to increase the memory then you can try to reduce the memory assigned in the on a temporary basis (found under "./Serverkernel/etc"), reduce the size of the memory allocated to the Kernel and WebRunner parameter and Restart the Adeptia services. This will deteriorate the performance of Adeptia so consider increasing it back again when you have increased the system memory.
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